
Abby Temperament Description

A tender heart and a timid brain- Abby may be the big sister in a purely physical sense but she is definitely the submissive little sister when it comes to her confidence! This girl is quite the wallflower and chooses her friends wisely- often watching her sister Alice make acquaintances on her behalf before she will sheepishly move in to be part of the social scene too! Abby is a cerebral type who needs order over chaos, understanding before faith, and patience before boldness! We feel she would thrive best in a quiet home where she had predictable structure but might not be forced to be the kids best friend as soon as she walked in the door! If you want a pup who is going to glean from your loving encouragement day by day- Abby is the dog for you!


Rascal (Father)

Weight: 16lb
Sex: Male
Registration: AKC

Carmel (Mother)

Weight: 15lb
Sex: Female
Registration: AKC